November/December 2023
2023 potato seed reports yield variation in weather, acreage By Melinda Waldrop, Managing Editor

Growers across the country experienced a range of conditions and challenges in the 2023 harvest, with a cold spring that delayed planting in Idaho and rain that dampened yields in Maine and Nebraska.

Certified seed potato acreage dropped in several states, though states including New York, Oregon and Idaho saw increases. Wisconsin recorded a 403-acre increase, its largest acreage entered in several years.

Cold temperatures in spring and wetter-than-usual weather delayed potato plantings in several states in 2023. Photo: File

More details about this year’s harvest in the nation’s primary potato-producing states are available below. Reports are listed alphabetically and provided by each state’s seed organization.


The post-COVID 19 pandemic seed potato production landscape in California has been exciting. The state has four major commercial potato production regions. Read the full report.

California Map




Each year is unique, and 2023 was no exemption. Colorado had a very cool spring and temperatures did not significantly rise until the middle of June. However, once it was ready to warm up, it got pretty hot! Read the full report.

Colorado map



The 2023 Idaho seed potato crop got off to somewhat of a slow start this season with slightly delayed planting in cooler than normal temperatures. Late spring frosts were also an issue in some areas of the state. Read the full report.

Idaho map



The 2023 growing season was very challenging for many growers as large rain events during the growing season likely impacted the crop. Seed acreage was down again slightly, roughly 7% from last year. Read the full report.

Maine map



A detailed Michigan report was not available by press time.

Michigan Map


Certified seed potato growers in Minnesota applied to certify 6,826.91 acres for the 2023 crop year, a decrease from 8,846.23 acres in the 2022 crop year. In total, 5,793.27 acres were certified. Read the full report.

Minnesota map feature image




Montana’s 2023 seed potato harvest was completed mid-October with near-perfect harvest conditions. Most seed potato growing areas experienced wetter-than- normal conditions in June and average temperatures and precipitation in July and August. Read the full report.

Montana map



Acres entered for seed certification in Nebraska for the 2023 crop totaled 8,026.44. This was a 5.6% increase over the 2022 crop (7,577.63 acres). Read the full report.

Nebraska map



Certified seed potato acres in New York State increased by 100 acres in 2023 from last year with 881 total acres inspected. The Lamoka and Waneta varieties represented the largest acreages in the state with 277.8 and 179.6 acres inspected respectively. Read the full report.



By May 15, according to the USDA- NASS Crop Progress and Condition of North Dakota Potato Crop report, 20% of the North Dakota crop had been planted, which was 3% behind 2022 but 33% behind the average for the state. Planting conditions were delayed due to a large snowpack, and the situation was exacerbated by hot conditions in May and June. Read the full report.

North Dakota map



In 2023, Oregon Seed Certification Service (OSCS) certified 3,277 acres
of seed potatoes, 197 acres more than 2022. There were no lots rejected this year, though we did have several lots that were not accepted due to the percent PVY on the incoming seed. Read the full report.

Oregon map



A total of 3,320 acres of seed potatoes entered certification during the 2023 growing season. This is a 416-acre decrease from last year. Read the full report.

Washington map



Wisconsin seed potato growers entered 9,747.8 acres for certification during the 2023 growing season. Acreage was up 403.3 acres from 2022, and the largest acreage entered in several years. Read the full report.

Wisconsin map


75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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