Dec 18, 2023McCain to detail sustainability goals at Michigan Winter Potato Conference
McCain’s senior director of agriculture and sustainability will address the Michigan Winter Potato Conference in February.
Jess Newman will explain how the frozen potato products manufacturer partners with farmers to achieve its sustainability goals.
McCain’s team of agronomists and field representatives are responsible for all vegetable crops purchased directly from farmers and implements the company’s sustainability objectives. McCain’s 2025 agricultural sustainability goals include:
- 100% of farmers implementing regenerative practices.
- 25% reduction in farming CO2 emissions intensity.
- 15% improvement in irrigation water use efficiency in water-stressed regions.
- The launch of three Farms of the Future (pdf).
Registration for the conference, set for Jan. 31-Feb. 1 in East Lansing, is available online. Newman will speak on Thursday, Feb. 1, from 12:45 p.m. till 2 p.m.