Sep 28, 2023
Irrigation show to feature 200-plus companies, latest technology

A major irrigation show will delve into the latest water conservation technology in November.

The 2023 Irrigation Show and Education Week is scheduled for Nov. 27-Dec. 1 at the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Thousands of irrigation professionals are set to convene on the city’s river walk to learn the latest on irrigation technology to save water and promote sustainability, according to a news release.

The 2023 Irrigation Show and Education Week is scheduled for Nov. 27-Dec. 1 in San Antonio, Texas. Photo: File

A program of the Irrigation Association, the show will feature the latest in irrigation technology and education opportunities, More than 200 irrigation companies from around the world will display their technology and offerings.

Special areas on the exhibit floor include Innovation Row, featuring ag irrigation technology startup companies, two innovation hubs hosting special presentations including a startup irrigation technology pitch competition, and a new product contest featuring an in-person showcase of the latest irrigation innovations.

“This is the place to see the newest ag irrigation technology on the market; get insights on water conservation, sustainability and irrigation best practices; and make new business connections in the irrigation industry,” show organizers said in the release. “The 2023 Industry Insights program brings research, trends and best practices to the Irrigation Show. Our expert-led sessions cover topics like water scarcity and usage, sustainability, technology, and more.”

Based in Fairfax, Virginia, the Irrigation Association is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting efficient irrigation. Show revenue is designed to support association initiatives to benefit its members and the irrigation industry through advocacy and professional development, according to the release.

Registration is available online.

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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