Nov 7, 2024
Automated bin storage solution to debut at Interpom

Deprez, a Belgian-based provider of potato processing production equipment, is premiering a new automatic storage solution. Big Bin Potato Handling will debut at potato trade fair Interpom, set for Nov. 24-26 in Kortrijk, Belgium.

The Big Bin can integrate containers holding 3 tons or more into the production process, combining bin handling and bulk storage, according to a news release.

A series of metal bins for potato handling
Big Bin Potato Handling, the new storage solution from Deprez, will debut at potato trade fair Interpom, set for Nov. 24-26 in Kortrijk, Belgium. Photo courtesy of Deprez.

Big Bin Potato Handling uses optical sorters to optimize sorting and grading, identifying and storing references for later direction. The bins provide greater storage oversight, according to the company, and allow for more accurate categorization based on potato size and quality.

More precise traceability and batch tracking is also possible for potatoes processed in the Big Bin than in a bulk tank, according to the release. Also, as the potatoes are not stacked as high as in traditional bulk tanks, the handling is gentler, with fewer drops.

Big Bin Potato Handling can store up to 5,000 liters of product, up from a previous capacity of 1,400, according to Deprez, and allows for processing volumes four times greater than the previous 800 kilograms per bin.

Moving the bins instead of individual potatoes also allows for more accurate processing direction, reducing the number of transfers and minimizing the risk of bruising, according to the company.

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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