
NPC summer meeting going virtual again, PILI alumni summit planned

The National Potato Council’s (NPC) summer meeting will be virtual again in 2021 due to ongoing pandemic-caused travel challenges. The virtual ev... READ MORE »

Herbicide timing is key for effective weed control in potatoes

The timing basics needed for successful weed control in potatoes can be thought of in three manners: There are three “windows of opportunity”... READ MORE »

PVY research protects seed, prepares growers

For potato growers across the U.S., potato virus Y (PVY) is a serious problem that causes foliar and necrotic tuber symptoms that reduce size and over... READ MORE »

USDA deregulates Simplot’s Snowden Z6 genetically engineered potato variety

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is extending deregulation to J.R. Simplot Company’s... READ MORE »

WSU researcher Kiwamu Tanaka focused on identifying natural plant disease resistance

Just like humans, plants have evolutionary immune systems. Washington State University Associate Professor Kiwanu Tanaka has made studying those immun... READ MORE »

Klamath Basin irrigators expect little water this year, USDA issues funds

With a water allocation announcement expected this week from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Klamath Basin irrigators say they expect to receive littl... READ MORE »

Beating back Fusarium dry rot in Clearwater Russet

Clearwater Russet offers many advantages to potato growers as a dual-purpose russet cultivar. It produces a high percentage of U.S. No. 1 tubers and h... READ MORE »

Pavek currently leading PAA, but his contributions to potato industry aren’t new

For more than 15 years, Washington State University scientist Mark Pavek has helped potato growers develop more nutritious, hardy and marketable varie... READ MORE »

Petoskey is a chipper with common scab resistance, good long-term storage potential

Petoskey (MSV030-4) has excellent chip processing quality out of the field and long-term chip quality with high specific gravity and resistance to com... READ MORE »

Jake Blauer tapped to be new postharvest potato physiologist at WSU

When Jake Blauer lived in Brazil, he says he saw a lot of potatoes “but they were often green.” Blauer is the newly hired postharvest potato ph... READ MORE »

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