Mike Telford surveys during the 2021 harvest at his Idaho seed potato farm. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Telford’s Sun Valley Seed sign on State Highway 24. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Harvest 2021 at Telford’s Sun Valley Seed in Idaho. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Mike Telford, front, with sons, from left, Aaron, Mark, Ryan and Bob in front of a mountain of russets during the 2021 harvest. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Mike Telford takes a minute to talk with a staff member while pulling trash, clods and deformed potatoes from the conveyor. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Mike Telford watches cattle at his farm in Paul, Idaho. Photo: Bill Schaefer
A Telford’s Sun Valley Seed crew member picks seed potatoes for the winter PVY test out as they go into storage. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Pulling debris as a truck disgorges a fresh load of seed potatoes at Telford’s Sun Valley Seed. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Mike and Shannon Telford working together to clean out the conveyor of trash, clods and defective potatoes as they go into storage. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Closing in on the end of the seed potato harvest season at Telford’s Sun Valley Seed. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Harvest 2021 at Telford’s Sun Valley Seed in Idaho. Photo: Bill Schaefer
Harvest 2021 at Telford’s Sun Valley Seed in Idaho. Photo: Bill Schaefer