Dec 19, 2016
WPVGA publishes water fact book

Over the next few months growers will be presenting factual, scientific information to local governmental bodies throughout central Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) has compiled a “High Capacity Well Fact Book” of relevant scientific resewpvga-high-capacity-wells-factbookarch that focuses on the actual impact irrigated agriculture has on the aquifer and surface water in areas like the Central Sands region of Wisconsin. This fact book is the basis for their member-given presentations which will take place over the next few months before the Portage, Marquette, Wood, Waushara, Adams and Waupaca County Boards.

“We welcome opportunities to develop and promote responsible water use practices that will protect the groundwater aquifer of the Central Sands and its associated streams, lakes and wetlands,” said WPVGA Executive Director Tamas Houlihan. “The fact is, studies show irrigated agriculture returns more water to the stream flow than non-irrigated agriculture or non-crop landscapes.We remain committed to finding science-based solutions to preserve and protect this precious resource and we support efforts that focus on facts, not rhetoric.”

A copy of the Fact Book can be downloaded at

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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