Feb 19, 2013USDA announces CRP registration
The USDA will conduct a four-week general sign-up for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), beginning May 20 and ending June 14, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced at the National Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic in Minneapolis.
CRP is a voluntary program available to agricultural producers to help them safeguard environmentally sensitive land. Currently, about 27 million acres are enrolled in CRP. Contracts on 3.3 million acres of CRP are due to expire on Sept. 30, 2013.
Producers that are accepted in the sign-up can receive cost-share assistance to plant long-term, resource-conserving covers and receive an annual rental payment for the length of the contract, 10-15 years.
Additional sign-ups for continuous CRP programs, such as Highly Erodible Land initiative and Initiative to Restore Grasslands, Wetlands and Wildlife, will be announced this spring.
For more information visit a local Farm Service Agency center or go here.