Jan 31, 2017Sivanto Prime insecticide now available
Sivanto Prime is a new potato insecticide from Bayer that received EPA registration. This new product contains flypyradifurone, a butenolide chemistry which has been classified by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee as a 4D insecticide. With its anti-feeding activity, it is a tool for managing insect-vectored diseases like zebra chip. Silvanto Prime is effective on psyllids, aphids and leafhoppers.
Silvanto Prime provides both adult knockdown and immature control with residual activity. Flupyradifurone is safe on honeybees and bumblebees, making this product a good choice for integrated pest management (IPM) programs, according to the company.
Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for flupyradifurone, the active ingredient in Sivanto Prime insecticide, have been established, effective immediately, in Australia and Taiwan. These MRLs are available across key crops, including potatoes. Potatoes treated with Sivanto Prime can now be traded within the NAFTA region and three of the most important Pacific Rim countries, Australia, Japan and Taiwan.
Bayer is pursuing additional MRLs for Sivanto Prime in the European Union, Hong Kong and South Korea, where similar MRLs are expected within the next 12 months. A full list of the current established MRLs can be found at www.globalmrl.com.
Silvanto Prime can be applied as a foliar spray, a soil drench, shank or drip application, to allow growers maximum flexibility with their crop protection tools. More information on application methods is included in the product label.