Jul 14, 2020
SaniDate 5.0 now approved to kill human coronavirus

BioSafe Systems’ SaniDate 5.0 is now labeled to kill the human coronavirus. The stamp of approval comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency known for stringent regulations when it comes to product certification on List N.

According to a news release, SaniDate 5.0 is a disinfectant/sanitizer that kills the human coronavirus on hard, non-porous surfaces, making it a valuable resource for public health precautions. After initial pre-cleaning, apply SaniDate 5.0 using sponge, brush, cloth, mop, by immersion or as a spray, foam or fog. Allow the sanitizer to set on treated area for ten minutes then air dry. This caliber of sanitation is vital right now not only to keep our homes and workplaces clean, but to promote healthy practices for employees working in essential industries society leans on.

SaniDate 5.0 is a tool in combating the human coronavirus by disinfecting surfaces in important public spaces: schools, universities, restaurants, hospitals, offices, airports, airplanes, individual homes, industrial warehouses, farms, breweries, wineries, grocery stores, various types of equipment, packing plants, greenhouses, public transport, etc.


75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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