Mar 29, 2021Rising temps and potato storage examined by Associated Press
Rising outdoor temperatures are a leading to more energy costs for agriculture producers to keep their crops healthy while in storage. That issue was recently examined by the Associated Press, which visited Sackett Potatoes in Mecosta County, Michigan.
Sackett Potatoes, a prominent producer of chip potatoes, purchased a $125,000 refrigeration unit last year from Techmark, but Brian Sackett said it’s a necessary investment to help keep his spuds from rotting while in storage.
“Definitely not a cheap purchase,” Sackett told the AP, adding that further units may be required in the future. He started buying smaller refrigeration units about 10 years ago.
Michigan State University scientist Julie Winkler estimates the number of annual days cool enough to store potatoes without refrigeration in Michigan could shrink by up to 17 days by 2050.
Be sure to check out the full story and video here.