Nov 20, 2022
NPC calls on Congress to preempt state pesticide laws

National Potato Council (NPC) joined more than 330 agricultural and environmental organizations calling on Congress to ensure that EPA-approved, science-based nationwide labels are available for use in all states. The letter was driven by concerns over recent misinterpretations of long-standing policy regarding the regulation and labeling of pesticide products, which some states regulating pesticides in a manner contradicting decades of scientific guidance from EPA.

The group writes that “in recent years we have seen actions from states that directly and unjustifiably contradict EPA’s scientific findings on pesticide safety. These actions risk creating an unworkable, inconsistent patchwork of state or municipal pesticide labels that can quickly disrupt commerce and access to these much-needed tools. As concerning, this threatens to jeopardize public confidence in EPA’s authority and science-based regulation under FIFRA [Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act], as well as the continued availability of individual tools on which there are contradictory claims.”

In response, the group strongly urges Congress to “reaffirm that EPA is the primary, federal authority under FIFRA for making pesticide findings and decisions, and that states may regulate their use, but not impose additional labeling or packaging requirements. Congressional action on this important matter will ensure our nation’s farmers and other users have reliable access to these vital tools in the years to come.”

Read the letter here.

– National Potato Council

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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