Feb 26, 2025North Dakota potato grower holding equipment auction
A North Dakota potato grower is holding an equipment auction, with bids opening March 10 and closing March 13.
The John F. Desautel Farm Co. equipment reduction auction features a well-maintained line of equipment, with major units kept indoors, according to the auctioneer website. Nick Desautel and Dave Hoenke are updating and aligning their equipment needs as they continue their individual farming operations, according to the website.
A public inspection will be held by Resource Auction on March 12 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Only online bids will be accepted. For a full listing, visit resourceauction.com.
For more information, contact Nick Desautel at 701-360-1371, Dave Hoenke at 218-779-8261 or Chris Hoenke at 701-360-0310.