Dec 9, 2020Nominations sought for agriculture safety awards
Do you know a person or organization who is a leader in agricultural safety, either through training, collaboration, promotion, education or research? The Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA) seeks nominations for 10 categories of safety awards to be presented March 22-24, 2021, during the virtual North American Agricultural Safety Summit.
According to a news release, honorees will receive complementary registration to the Summit and one recipient will receive the WCF “Collaboration in Research to Practice” award and $2,500 cash prize. Nomination deadline is Jan. 6, 2021.Go to for the nomination form and additional information on the nomination and selection process.
“We established these safety awards to highlight effective and efficient practices that enhance worker safety within agriculture,” said Jess McCluer, board chair of ASHCA, and vice president of safety and regulatory affairs at the National Grain and Feed Association. “The awardees represent individuals and organizations having a positive impact on the culture of safety in agriculture.”
Last year’s honorees were drawn from producer groups, farm worker groups, government, academia and agribusiness. Click here for the complete list.