Oct 15, 2019
List of states approved for agriculture drone spraying continues to grow

This week Rantizo, an agtech drone spraying startup, added five more states to its list of eligible operations. With the latest approvals, the Rantizo footprint has grown beyond the Midwest, spanning into eastern and southern states as well.

In July, Rantizo became the first and only company approved for drone spraying in the state of Iowa — where the company’s headquarters is located. Shortly thereafter, expansion into Wisconsin occurred. Weeks later, Nebraska, Illinois, and Minnesota were added to the approved territories.

Now the company has added South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Louisiana and Missouri to areas its approved and intends to operate within. Arizona, Oregon and California are expected to be approved in the near future.

Rantizo CEO, Michael Ott explained that having a solid plan before embarking on state by state approvals has been crucial to the company’s rapid expansion across the U.S.

“We have been diligent in working with the FAA and states for necessary licensing,” he said. “As a market leader in this space, it has been important to us to go through the proper channels to ensure the sustainability of drone spraying for the agricultural industry.”

With each state that Rantizo has added to their approved territory, new opportunities have come along, as well.

“Growers of everything from cotton, to lettuce, watermelons to sorghum have looked at Rantizo as a solution for their fields,” Rantizo Marketing Lead Emily Carlson, explained. “Our team has been on the road and all over the country in the past several weeks and each time we reconvene it’s exciting to learn about new opportunities on the horizon.”

“Getting into new states outside of our immediate backyard is part of our strategy,” Ott said. “Now we are not only in multiple states, but we’ve begun to represent Rantizo drone spraying as a viable option for growers in multiple regions across the country as well.”

Rantizo will be represented at the Startup of the Year Summit in Memphis, Tennessee, Oct. 14-16.

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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