Jan 22, 2019
Finely milled calcium product easier for potatoes to absorb

Oro Agri is introducing a new product designed to give potatoes readily available calcium during high-demand periods, such as tuber formation.

Encourage Nanocal by Oro Agri possesses calcium carbonate particles that have been milled to an average size of 0.7 microns. That’s significantly smaller than the 3- to 20-micron size of other calcium products. Its sub-micron size is small enough to be taken up by the meristematic region of adventitious roots without requiring additional mineralization like gypsum, limestone or products with larger particle sizes.

“The demand for calcium spikes in potatoes as tubers start to develop at hook,” said Riley Reynolds, sales direction, Orgo Agri. “Even if calcium levels, as a result of a standard nutrient program, appear adequate, they may not be at a level to satisfy the needs of the crop’s intense demand during tuber development. Or the calcium may not be readily available for uptake by the crop’s roots because its particle size may be too large, as is often the case with gypsum or limestone.”

Supplement, not fix-all 

Nanocal is designed as a supplemental source of calcium to be applied during those periods of high demand by the potato crop. It is not meant to remedy an overall calcium deficiency in soils, however. Nanocal is formulated for quick uptake by the roots and rapid translocation throughout the plant facilitated by Oro Agri’s proprietary TransXylem technology. This is critical in supplying developing tubers the calcium it requires because calcium is only effectively translocated to the developing tubers through a plant’s xylem. Foliar calcium applications do not provide comparable levels of calcium because of its very limited movement within the plant outside of root uptake and translocation.

For more on Encourage Nanocal, visit oroagriusa.com. 

Oro Agri develops and manufactures innovative products using Orowet technology for agricultural, turf and ornamental, and industrial applications worldwide. Established in 2001, the Oro Agri Group started with a single product and has expanded its product range as well as its global presence. Today, the company serves customers in over 80 countries.

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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