Mar 21, 2024
Bactericide and fungicide receives EPA approval for use in potatoes

A bactericide and fungicide from Sym-Agro has received expanded EPA approval and is now registered for use in potatoes, among other crops.

Instill is now approved for use in potatoes, coffee, hazelnuts and sugar beets, according to a news release. Instill’s active ingredient, copper sulfate pentahydrate, can be retained in a treated plant for up to 21 days of disease protection, according to the release.

Instill absorbs into plant tissue and creates an inside-out barrier that won’t wash off, according to California-headquartered Sym-Agro. Instill is a locally systemic FRAC M01 fungicide and MRL (maximum residue limits) exempt, helping growers meet export standards, according to the release.

“This expanded registration means that more growers will be able to utilize Instill to control disease on their crops,” Peter Bierma, Sym-Agro president, said in the release. “Instill offers a proven and effective broad-spectrum bactericide and fungicide solution that is ideal for the needs of today’s growers.”

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P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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