Aug 28, 2017
2017 PotatoEurope show to present practical knowledge

The theme of the 2017 edition of PotatoEurope is “Potatoes feed/meet the world.” The event will be Sept. 13-14 in Emeloord, The Netherlands.

PotatoEurope features 250 exhibitors and is organized to provide many opportunities to gain practical knowledge. The trade show hosts demonstrations showing how the international potato world is preparing for a sustainable future with the help of technological advancements. Organizers expect 15,000 visitors to attend and view potato harvesters, transport vehicles, tractors, storage machinery and box filling equipment in action. Trial fields will also be available for additional information.

 During the event, there will be live demonstrations of the potato harvesters of the AVR, DeWulf-Miedema, Grimme, Ropa, Ploeger, VSS, Scanstone and Veenma brands. After harvesting, the potatoes will then be transported from the field to the storage machinery and box-filling demonstrations using tipper lorries of the Fliegl, Jeantile, Beboma, Joskin, Areko, Dezeure and Agroliner brands.

During the storage demonstrations, machinery of the brands Dewurf-Miedema, AVR, Bijlsma Hercules, Prinsen-Visser, Van Trier, Grimme and Downs will swing into action.

The box-filling demonstrations will be presented by Bijlsma-Hercules, Mechatec, Tong Engineering, DeWulf-Miedema, Van Hees and Prinsen.

 In the center of the event site, 10 trial fields have been laid out by the companies Vandinter Semo, Schaap Holland, Certis Europe, BASF, Belchim Crop Protection, Bayer, Agrifirm, Eurochem Agro, Kreglinger, ADAMA and Caithness Potatoes, who will all be showing a wide range of activities.

For more information, visit the PotatoEurope website.




75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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