
Potato acreage increases for 2015

Potato farmers are planting more acres in fall potatoes for 2015. Whether that results in more potatoes at harvest time.The USDA's National Agricultur... more »

Targeting exports

Seed potatoes represent just one percent of U.S. potato exports. It's a drop in the bucket. No matter. Some players in this tiny niche market are mak... more »

Keeping weeds to a minimum

Potato growers can add a new weapon to their weed- control arsenal for the 2012 season with Reflex, a Syngenta herbicide that has shown a lot of promi... more »

Here comes the sun

The days are longer and the ground is starting to awaken. The soil seems to swell with fertile anticipation for the spring rains and growing warmth. Y... more »

Cover Crops

Poor management can damage cropsWeed suppression is one of the many benefits of cover crops. Weed suppression by cover crops is achieved either indire... more »

2011 fall potato plantings up 6 percent from 2010

According to statistics released by USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service on July 12, 2011 total acreage planted in potatoes this year is 1,... more »

Improving Seed Performance

To cut, or not to cut, that is the question facing many growers as they make their planting preparations. How you prepare and treat your seed stock at... more »

Seeding Change

Reports of the demise of the Russet Burbank may be a little premature, but there is a developing sense that the mighty variety is slowly be... more »

Idaho’s Potato Farmers Planting Next Year’s Ideas

If Idaho potato farmers plant more acres than they did last year, they could derail the price gains they?ve made the past three years and wreck prospe... more »

Wet Spring Delays P.E.I. Potato Planting Season by up to 12 Days

The general manager of the P.E.I. Potato Board says a wet spring has delayed planting season by as much as 10 to 12 days. Truro Daily News... more »

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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