
New York Senate Panel Votes Down Farm Labor Bill

A hotly debated bill to expand farmworker rights was defeated Tuesday by the state Senate Agriculture Committee. The Daily NewsClick here to read the ... more »

Reining in Rhizoc

Rhizoctonia solani, more commonly known as black scurf, is a common fungus that attacks potatoes in the early season of their development. The pathoge... more »

Report Says Michigan Migrant Farmworkers Working in ‘Unconscionable’ Conditions

Thousands of migrant farmworkers in Michigan are living and working in "intolerable" and "unconscionable" conditions, according to a scathing report r... more »

UFW, Growers Push for Path to Citizenship for Undocumented Farm Workers

Supporters of immigration reform are making another push to pass a congressional bill that would give undocumented farm workers a path to permanent re... more »

Genesee, Orleans Say ‘No’ to Farm Labor Overtime Bill

County lawmakers in Genesee and Orleans counties on Wednesday both passed resolutions stating their opposition to a state proposal that would allow fa... more »

Seeding Change

Reports of the demise of the Russet Burbank may be a little premature, but there is a developing sense that the mighty variety is slowly be... more »

Late Blight

New strains of late blight are creating problems for Florida potato growers, leading scientists to find out why the disease is changing before it beco... more »

N.Y. Farm Labor Bill Moves Closer to Senate Vote

Allies for expanding farmworker rights in New York scored a mini-victory Wednesday when the Senate Labor Committee moved the Farmworkers Fair Labor Pr... more »

Senator Gains Sway on N.Y. Bill

The Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act was rerouted Thursday to the Senate Agriculture Committee, a surprise reversal that gave state Sen. Darrel J.... more »

Growers to have ‘sufficient’ supply in 2010

Early indications for the 2010 water year point to sufficient water storage and ground water reserves to get irrigators through the upcoming growing s... more »

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