January 2016
Spudman 7: Warren Henninger

Warren Henninger is the founder and chairman of the board of Ag World Support Systems (AWSS) in Spokane, Washington. He was born and raised on a potato farm in Pennsylvania. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from Penn State University. He then enrolled in a master’s program in crop science at Oregon State University.

Warren and his wife, Judy, were married in 1970. They have three children and nine grandchildren. His oldest son, Bryan, is the president and CEO of AWSS.

To celebrate his company’s success, it has been Warren’s desire to give back to his community. For the past two years, AWSS has hosted the Ag World Golf Classic and raised $95,000 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Spokane.

What are the best words of advice you’ve received?

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Be careful around people who act like they know everything.

Don’t burn bridges. You may have to go back across.

When doors close and new ones open and you know Jesus Christ, be confident and go through those new doors even though they may be scary.

What are your goals for the next 12 months?

Work to expand Ag World in North America and around the world while employing, growing and developing people.

Enjoy life, meet people and spoil the grandkids.

Grow in my faith in God with my wife, Judy.

What do you do to relax?

Work in the yard, cut flowers, enjoy grandkids, watch a good movie, take a walk with my wife, and just enjoy life.

What would you like to be your lasting legacy?

To be known as an honorable man who loved the Lord.

What job or work would you have pursued if you had not become involved in the potato industry?

All of my life I’ve been a part of the potato industry, so I can’t imagine any other work.

What are three things on your bucket list/must-do list?

Develop a business base for Ag World around the world, wherever French fry plants are located.

Go on trips with my wife to places we have not seen.

Expand my Bible reading, prayer time and scripture memorization.

What is one truth you have learned about the potato industry?

Every growing season/year is different, with new challenges.

Warren was nominated for the Spudman 7 by Mark Iverson.

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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