April 2019
Inside the Potato Industry: Disease control



Common scab

“No feasible control outside planting resistant cultivars.”

“There is no control available that actually works.”


“Research is showing current available chemicals aren’t effective.”

“Industry doesn’t accept the resistant variety as much as susceptible ones.”

“(Finding) clean seed.”


“Early detection of problem and how to combat it.”

“The difficulty spotting it until it is too late.”

Late blight

“(Knowing) when to spray.”

“Identifying strain.”

Pink rot

“Climate change, increased temperatures.”

Mop-top virus

“Extent of virus not known in industry; seed certification rules are needed but not present.”

“Currently experiencing problems with mop top and there is no treatment available for it.”

General concerns

“New diseases showing up in seed.”

“My concern is the toolbox we have to combat pests is getting emptier, therefore, we start relying on the same chemistry to battle these pests. For a resistance point of view, this is alarming.”

“I’d like to hear more about other products in the market, including fumigants, that suppress verticillium.”

OTHER SURVEYS: What do you think of GMO potatoes? 

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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