North Dakota state seed report 2024

In North Dakota, the growing season experienced fluctuations in precipitation and temperature. Throughout most of the spring and summer, precipitation levels were higher than average and temperatures were cool.

This fall, however, has seen a noticeable decline in precipitation and an increase in heat compared to previous years, which has caused delays in harvest, especially in the state’s dryland regions.

Most dryland Red River Valley acreage produces red and round white potatoes, though yellow acreage is increasing. Most of these varieties are short-season.

Conditions for dryland harvest were similar in 2024 to 2023, though some areas struggled to receive adequate moisture prior to harvest to reduce damage to the potato crop. Though common scab has been a problem in the Red River Valley in recent years, growers are reporting a decrease in this disease in 2024.

Processing russet potatoes grown further south and west requires a longer growing season for bulking, and all of these acres are under irrigation. Growers in these areas are reporting average yields and good quality.

A total of 469 lots, accounting for 12,259 acres, were entered into the program this spring. Foundation class eligibility (≤0.3% PVY in summer field readings) dropped to 10,801 acres following summer field inspections.

Of the 12,259 acres entered, 1,458 were eligible as certified class only (0.4% to 2.0% PVY in summer field readings). There were 108 acres ineligible for either foundation or certified class due to PVY being in excess of 2% in summer field readings.

The North Dakota State Seed Department will return to the North Shore of Hawaii to conduct its annual winter test. Planting will occur between Nov. 30-Dec. 7 and seed department employees will return for readings on Jan. 2.

— Adam Winchester, director, potato programs, for North Dakota State Seed Department


75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


A bright red truck hauls a load of fresh harvested potatoes
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