Jul 3, 2013
PVY conference held in Idaho Falls

The Sixth Annual International Potato Virus Y conference was held in Idaho Falls.

Nine countries were represented at the conference: United States, Canada, Scotland, Belgium, France, Germany, Brazil and Mexico.

Alex Karasev, University of Idaho associate professor, and conference co-chairman with Phil Nolte, said that the main topics discussed included epidemiology and transmission of PVY, the role of different aphids in transmission, resistance and diagnostic testing for PVY.

We can identify, reliably, nine different strains of PVY globally,” Karasev said.

Karasev said that Europe has more problems with PVY than the United States and one purpose of the meeting is to avoid mistakes made in Europe in controlling PVY.

The conference was sponsored by University of Idaho, Idaho Potato Commission, Syngenta, Agdia, Bioreba, Idaho Crop Improvement Association, Eurofins, Idaho Association of Plant Pathology, Simplot and SunRain.

Next year’s conference will be in Belgium, with an exact date and place to be determined.

75 Applewood Dr. Ste. A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345


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